The Librarian's Vampire Assistant Book 3 by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

The Librarian's Vampire Assistant Book 3 by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Author:Mimi Jean Pamfiloff [Pamfiloff, Mimi Jean]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Paranormal, Romance, Fiction
Publisher: Mimi Boutique, a Paper & Silver, Inc. Imprint.
Published: 2019-06-17T23:00:00+00:00


Several hours later, I have made love to Miriam more times than I have with any woman. Or in the last century alone. Hey, do not judge me. As I said, sex lost its appeal after I turned one hundred. From time to time, I would feel the need and take care of things—plenty of women out there for a man like myself. But something was always lacking. Now I know what. A deeper connection.

I lay spooning her, both of us stretched across the narrow seat.

“Michael?” she says quietly.

“Yes?” I reply, thoroughly exhausted, but content for the first time I can ever recall. Home is the only word that comes to mind.

“I have a lot of questions.”

“I thought you might,” I whisper against the back of her neck.

“I’m not going to get pregnant, am I?”

I chuckle. It is a little late to be asking, but… “No. Not possible.”

“Oh good. I saw that Twilight movie, and the girl gets knocked up by her vampire boyfriend.”

“Complete fiction. Well, except for the day walking and fast running. Also, we go insane if we do not sleep. We need downtime to keep our minds functioning properly.”

“Oh.” There’s an awkward silence. “How did you become a vampire?”

I give her the short version, which comes down to getting a respiratory infection. I lived just outside London at the time in my family’s home. My father, a merchant, had left with my mother to New Amsterdam, now New York City, to cash in on the settlers who were in need of building supplies, cooking utensils, and everything else one could imagine. I was left to be raised by a governess, servants, and, later, my professors at Cambridge. Clive was one of them, and we had an instant rapport—the father figure I always needed. Patient. Wise. Educated in the ways of the world.

“When I became ill, he could not stand to let me go. So he didn’t,” I say.

Still facing forward, Miriam sighs. “That is a sad but sweet story.”

I leave out the part about how bitter I felt over what he did. I hadn’t been the most religious man, but I did fear God. In my eyes, Clive made me into a demon. I spent a very long time coming to grips with what I was during my fur trapper/hunter days, but I eventually made my way back to Clive. That was when I learned there are two kinds of vampires: The ones who wanted to enslave humans like chattel, and those who wanted to live in peace and in secret. Things eventually came to a head between the two groups during the Great War.

“I think I need a drink to hear the rest of this.” She sits up and twists around to look at me.

Her blonde hair is a hot mess, and her lips are swollen like two ripe berries from all of the kissing. I want to take a picture of her in this state so I can remember it always. Idiot. Like you would ever forget.


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